2018. június 26, 22:16:48

4869. kör (41. verseny)

4869. kör - 41. verseny - 2018. 06. 26.



Fashion F. Amberlite (5db I. hely, 4db II. hely, 1db III. hely)

Pendolic You and Me (5db I. hely, 3db II. hely, 2db III. hely)

K-9 Ballada (6db I. hely, 4db II. hely)


I. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada

II. Pendolic You and Me és Fashion F. Amberlite


II. forduló:

I. Pendolic You and Me

II. K-9 Ballada és Fashion F. Amberlite


III. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada, Fashion F. Amberlite, Pendolic You and Me


IV. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada, Fashion F. Amberlite, Pendolic You and Me


V. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada

II. Fashion F. Amberlite

III. Pendolic You and Me


VI. forduló:

I. Fashion F. Amberlite

II. Pendolic You and Me és K-9 Ballada


VII. forduló:

I. Fashion F. Amberlite

II. K-9 Ballada

III. Pendolic You and Me


VIII. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada és Pendolic You and Me

II. Fashion F. Amberlite


IX. forduló:

I. K-9 Ballada

II. Pendolic You and Me

III. Fashion F. Amberlite


X. forduló:

I. Fashion F. Amberlite és Pendolic You and Me

II. K-9 Ballada
